Our Team
International - Europe / US
Joseph Srouji
Joseph is an attorney with the Paris bar and founding partner of Srouji Avocats created in 2016. He worked for over 11 years with General Electric based in Paris focused on compliance, data protection, regulatory and various legal issues impacting GE operations in Europe and internationally. He also draws on 9 years of experience consulting in the areas of business strategy, business process and technology (Washington, DC, London, Brussels, New York and Paris).
He completed his law degrees at Université Paris 2 Panthéon - Assas and also obtained degrees from Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Strasbourg; The Georges Washington University (MBA); and University of Dayton (Bachelor of Political Science and Economics).
He is Certified CIPP / E (International Association of Professionals for the Protection of Privacy) and authors articles in the field of data protection. He speaks at conferences including The Economist Insights, Association of Corporate Counsel, The Data Protection Forum, International Association of Privacy Professionals, and Center for International Legal Studies.
office: +33 (0)
E-mail: info@sroujiavocats.com
Perrine Bouteille
As Legal Counsel, Perrine specializes in business law, technology & data protection and intellectual property. She leads client initiatives on artificial intelligence governance including drafting AI policies, conducting conformity assessments, and performing risk analyses. Since joining the firm she has developed a proven track record in litigation matters. She began her professional career as Legal Counsel for Ateme SA, specialized in international affairs, contracts, negotiations, and compliance.
Perrine completed her M1 and M2 law school education at the Université de Bourgogne, specialised in International Law.
office: +33 (0)
email: perrine.bouteille@sroujiavocats.com
Dorian Vandôme
As Legal Counsel specialising in business law, intellectual property, personal data and cyber security issues, Dorian completed his M1 law degree in Business Law from the Université Paris-Saclay. In addition, he completed his M2 in Digital Law from the Université de Bourgogne. His M2 program was awarded the distinction of "SecNumEdu," which is first legal course in France to be awarded this distinction. Dorian assists clients with data protection and technology issues, with expertise on all aspects of adopting Binding Corporate Rules. He has strong knowledge of the legal frameworks both in Europe and Asia.
Dorian began his career in law firms and in consulting.
office: +33 (0)