Regulatory & Compliance


Regulatory and Compliance

Regulatory and compliance as enablers

Staying ahead of regulatory requirements and fostering a compliance culture are market differentiators that enable business growth.

With far-reaching compliance laws like “Sapin II” in France, along with the existing and increasingly complex legal framework of anti-money laundering, antibribery and international trade controls, companies face rising enforcement in the US, UK, Europe and other jurisdictions. Managing risk is therefore a top priority for global businesses. We advise clients on how best to mitigate risk while continuing to grow the business.


Recent Client Engagement

For an international medical device company, we helped our client obtain the necessary authorisations to market their medical products in France and across Europe while ensuring a consistent cross-business regulatory strategy in Europe and the US.

The “Sapin II” Law of 9 December 2016 created the French Anti-Corruption Agency (Agence française anticorruption or “AFA”), which is at the heart of the new French anti-corruption framework.

Recent French law introduces new compliance obligations on companies that meet certain requirements. These requirements include adopting a Code of Conduct, implementing an internal whistle-blower mechanism, risk mapping, conducting third party due diligence, adopting strong accounting controls, introducing a compliance training program, implementing a disciplinary regime and adopting internal controls.

Regulatory & Compliance

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